About Jennifer and Peter

I guess the question on everyone’s mind is “why get married now after living together for 12 years?” There are a few reasons but things came into focus in July 2012 on our anniversary. We don’t normally celebrate, but this year felt somehow different. The day that marked 12 years of living together was actually rather quiet; strangely quiet. It sometimes seems as if we have faced a succession of issues since being together. Much of this time it has felt as if the two of us were battling against external challenges. However, recently things have been more settled than in years. Partly in recognition of this and also, more positively, to celebrate and formalise a relationship that is central to both our lives we decided to get married.

We are not going to have a large ceremony, but hope that you will be able to join us and help to celebrate our special day.

Peter About Peter

Peter was born and raised in South London and is still adjusting to the culture shock of moving to Cambridge in 2010. His work in IT has taken him on a journey that has encompassed small and large organisations, global and UK-based ones and industries ranging from Software Development and Insurance to Manufacturing and Brewing. He currently splits his time between London and Bermuda working for a global insurance and reinsurance company, where he is helping to improve their business information.

Peter’s first love was cricket and he remains avidly interested, though nowadays watching rather than playing. When not injured (as it all too frequently the case), rock climbing is his passion and, when he is, both hill walking and mountain biking fill the gap.

His work and personal interests overlap in his – increasingly erratically updated – blog, where you can sometimes glimpse articles about IT matters in between the cricket, mathematics and science posts.

Jennifer says

Peter is undeniably the love of my life. I never thought that I would have so much common ground with someone who lived across an ocean from me (with the possible exception of level of devotion to a certain band from Athens, Georgia). Since we’ve been together, the longest time that we have spent apart is two weeks. Peter is certainly my other half and I can’t imagine life without my best friend. I’m looking forward to the rest of our life together and to being your wife.

Jennifer About Jennifer

Although I spent the first 23 years of my life in Pennsylvania USA, I’ve never felt anywhere near as at home as I do in London, where I lived with Peter for 10 years. I became a British citizen in 2007 and as a result have dual nationality.

I am in the second year of studying for a PhD in structural biology at the University of Cambridge. This necessitated a move from London to Cambridge, where I have lived since mid-2010. I work at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology. My focus is on determining the structure of membrane proteins, which represent a large proportion of possible targets for drugs intended to combat a range of diseases.

Outside of the lab I enjoy many outdoor activities from rock climbing to hiking and mountain biking.

Peter says

It probably says a lot that when I think about having been with Jennifer for twelve years it seems both a twinkling of an eyelid and already more than a lifetime. But then I always felt that I knew Jenn, even in the very early days of a friendship that blossomed into a much deeper relationship. I’ll echo Jenn’s thoughts that I have never felt such commonality with someone; not just our shared interests (which are manifold), but perhaps more an aligned outlook that means that any of the inevitable differences about minutiae are rendered insignificant by solid agreement on fundamentals. We manage to make each other laugh uncontrollably when any observer might struggle to understand why; we just get each other. The greeting card and popular music industries often diminish the meaning of certain phrases, but I feel that Jenn completes me in the truest sense of the words. I can’t conceive of ever being apart.

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